New home of Beauty, Truth & Justice
In these days of civil unrest & political strife, I felt the need to create a forum for opinion about law, justice, effectiveness of our current systems, & general speculation about the world we find ourselves in. I have no interest in generating a political party or new religion, but I do contemplate ideas of the human spirit, human justice, & to my mind, seeing the beauty in all things.
As far as I can tell, it appears there are two forms of justice. One is Poetic Justice, that which is given to us by the Gods, the long term effects of our choices & behavior. The other is Human Justice, or for purposes of description, the Law of Man. Poetic Justice is generally more satisfying if only we can live long enough to witness its unfolding. In the meantime, we have our federal, state, county & local justice systems of regulations, criminal jurisdictions, & civic, civil, & social norms expressed through torts. Many times I have been so disappointed in a jury outcome, (outcry?) then I remind myself we are all only human & so far our Democratic Republic is the closest thing to Poetic Justice, where all are equal in the eyes of God, that we have been able to get.
Human nature has not changed throughout the centuries. We can limit cruelty as best we can through our laws & expectations of a decent & fair society. Human laws cannot change Human nature. This is where if we feel the need to change ourselves or others, we step up to the laws of Poetic Justice.
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